North Leroy Street and North Road
The intersection of North Leroy Street and North Road was included in the early preliminary engineering phase with support from the City of Fenton due to intersection operations and safety concerns. This intersection is included in the 153 intersections that passed the skim analysis for experiencing crashes correctable by a roundabout and is a secondary analysis Tier Three intersection.
During the skim analysis, it was observed that there were 10 angle crashes and 2 head on left turn crashes over the 5-year period. These crashes resulted in zero fatalities, zero type A injuries, two type B injuries, and four type C injuries at the intersection.
During the skim analysis, it was observed that there were 10 angle crashes and 2 head on left turn crashes over the 5-year period. These crashes resulted in zero fatalities, zero type A injuries, two type B injuries, and four type C injuries at the intersection.
The intersection of North Leroy Street and North Road is a signalized intersection. The intersection is three-legged. North Road is an east/west road, with a three-lane cross section (one lane in each direction and a center left-turn lane). The approach laneage at North Leroy Street are exclusive rightand left-turn lanes. North Leroy Street is a north/south road with a five-lane (two lanes in each direction and a center left-turn lane) cross section north of study location and a three-lane (two lanes in each direction with a center left-turn lane) cross section south of the study location. Northbound North Leroy Street approach laneage are exclusive left-turn and through lanes. Southbound North Leroy Street approach laneage are exclusive through and right-turn lanes. Also controlled by the traffic signal is a commercial driveway for businesses on the east side of North Leroy Street. There are pedestrian crossings for the south leg of North Leroy Street and crossing North Road.
In the northwest quadrant is a multi-use build with tenants of Rite-Aid Pharmacy, Hungry Howie’s Pizza Restaurant, Metro PCS Mobile, and a tattoo shop. There are multiple businesses also located in the northeast quadrant like CycleFit Sports Bike Shop and Douglas Water Conditioning. The southern quadrant presents a Domino’s Pizza Restaurant. There are overhead utilities on the west side of North Leroy Street and crossing the North Road leg. At the ground level, there is a fire hydrant on the east side of North Leroy Street near the pedestrian crossing. An aerial of the existing intersection can be seen in the photo above.
An operational analysis of the no-build condition was completed for the intersection using the 2045 forecast traffic volumes. The results of the analysis for the future no-build condition reveals all approaches and movements of the intersection operate at LOS C or better during the AM peak hour. During the PM peak hour, the eastbound approach operates at LOS E, westbound operates at LOS D, northbound operates at LOS C, and southbound operates at LOS F.
The 95th percentile queue lengths were reviewed at the intersection and the results showed all approaches experienced a maximum queue length of 176 feet (9 vehicles) during the AM peak hour and 475 feet (24 vehicles) during the PM peak hour.
The operational results for future no-build conditions are presented in the table below.
In the northwest quadrant is a multi-use build with tenants of Rite-Aid Pharmacy, Hungry Howie’s Pizza Restaurant, Metro PCS Mobile, and a tattoo shop. There are multiple businesses also located in the northeast quadrant like CycleFit Sports Bike Shop and Douglas Water Conditioning. The southern quadrant presents a Domino’s Pizza Restaurant. There are overhead utilities on the west side of North Leroy Street and crossing the North Road leg. At the ground level, there is a fire hydrant on the east side of North Leroy Street near the pedestrian crossing. An aerial of the existing intersection can be seen in the photo above.
An operational analysis of the no-build condition was completed for the intersection using the 2045 forecast traffic volumes. The results of the analysis for the future no-build condition reveals all approaches and movements of the intersection operate at LOS C or better during the AM peak hour. During the PM peak hour, the eastbound approach operates at LOS E, westbound operates at LOS D, northbound operates at LOS C, and southbound operates at LOS F.
The 95th percentile queue lengths were reviewed at the intersection and the results showed all approaches experienced a maximum queue length of 176 feet (9 vehicles) during the AM peak hour and 475 feet (24 vehicles) during the PM peak hour.
The operational results for future no-build conditions are presented in the table below.
The proposed roundabout configuration for the intersection of North Leroy Street and North Road is a single lane circulating. The proposed single-lane roundabout configuration will not fit inside the existing right-of-way. Based on the concept design, additional right-of-way may be required in the northeast, west, and south. The proposed inscribed diameter for the concept roundabout is 110 feet. The driveway configuration for the Douglas Water Conditioning should be investigated due to the existing driveway location as the fourth leg of the proposed roundabout.
An operational analysis for the single-lane roundabout (build) condition was completed for the intersection using 2045 forecast traffic volumes. The results of the analysis for the roundabout (build) condition reveals all approaches and movements of the intersection operate at LOS A during the AM peak hour and LOS C or better during the PM peak hour. With the implementation of a southbound right-turn bypass lane, the southbound approach and overall intersection delays improve.
The 95th percentile queue lengths were reviewed at the intersection and the results showed all approaches experienced a maximum queue length of three (3) vehicles during the AM peak hour and thirteen (13) vehicles during the PM peak hour.
The operational results for future roundabout (build) conditions are shown in the table below.
An operational analysis for the single-lane roundabout (build) condition was completed for the intersection using 2045 forecast traffic volumes. The results of the analysis for the roundabout (build) condition reveals all approaches and movements of the intersection operate at LOS A during the AM peak hour and LOS C or better during the PM peak hour. With the implementation of a southbound right-turn bypass lane, the southbound approach and overall intersection delays improve.
The 95th percentile queue lengths were reviewed at the intersection and the results showed all approaches experienced a maximum queue length of three (3) vehicles during the AM peak hour and thirteen (13) vehicles during the PM peak hour.
The operational results for future roundabout (build) conditions are shown in the table below.
A roundabout would be feasible at this location. There will need to be coordination with the Douglas Water Conditioning about their driveway configuration.
Opinion of probable cost were developed for a single-lane roundabout. The total probable cost is $1.01 million in 2025 dollars. The probable cost includes a 20 percent contingency and 3 percent inflation. Not included in this fee are the potential costs to relocate any utilities to accommodate the proposed layout.
Potential funding sources for this improvement could include regular road improvement funding, CMAQ, or an earmark.
For a complete breakdown of the estimate please review the full report below.
Potential funding sources for this improvement could include regular road improvement funding, CMAQ, or an earmark.
For a complete breakdown of the estimate please review the full report below.